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Melanie C. Weitbrecht

Osteopathin (B.Sc.)

Wien 1010,1180,1090 

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field.
I'll meet you there. 

I invite you to drop down from your mind into your body.


I believe that our body speaks to us and that we need to slow down to listen to its language. I want you to become sensitive for its signals, its needs and boundaries

- to feel healthy and find pleasure in living in it.

The goal of my work is for you to be able, to meet the world with openness and curiosity and to connect to a sense of safety in that precious feeling of health and aliveness. 


& De Armoring Bodywork

Osteopathie ist eine eigenständige, ganzheitliche Form der Medizin, in der Diagnostik und Behandlung mit den Händen erfolgen. Osteopathie geht dabei den Ursachen von Beschwerden auf den Grund und behandelt den Menschen in seiner Gesamtheit.

Hey, ich bin Melanie,

meine Passion ist es durch die Osteopathie Menschen in ihrem Körper ein gesundes, freudebringendes, lustvolles und sicheres Zuhause finden zu lassen. Eines meiner Fokusgebiete ist die Frauenheilkunde. Außerdem bin ich Atemtherapeutin und Yogalehrerin. Schauen Sie gerne hier ob meine Sessions für Sie passen könnten. 

Sie finden mich in 1190 im interdisziplinären Gutshaus nahe U Spittelau, zentral am Hohen Markt im Herbarium 1010, sowie in der kinderfreundlichen Therapieschmiede am Aumannplatz in 1180.


Osteopathie & Cranio-Sakrale

Integrative Breathing Therapy

De-Armoring Bodywork

in combination w. aspecting and timeline-work

no script,
raw me,
packed with all the osteopathic nerdiness,
old and new wisdom, that  I am discovering in the rabbit holes of the realms of health, bodywork and feminism. Some rant on social injustice in medical care here and there, a pinch of poetry, teaching tools about multiorgasmic states for all humans and whatever comes in that session. It's theoretical and practical at the same time. I talk about what is currently interesting to me and make that knowledge available to you - through your own body. This is for bodyworkers as well as anyone who is interested in their own bodies health.

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Danke für dein Interesse und bis ganz bald,


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