And grandmother
Great grandmother
And her mothers
And their mothers
Like the roots to my stem
Splitting up further and further into the sands of time
Through these roots I am nourished
Breathing you in
Through these roots I hear the words that got stuck in your throats
Shall find their echoe in my stem
Your tears water my soil on which i plant
I lean into the strength of your arms
The warmth of your hearts
More than 1000 in sum, always there to help me become
The fruit of its roots
Inside the stem I get to meet you
When time is detached from its linear order
leaning back into the arms of my roots
Your soft palms gently touching my cheeks
I feel your exhale on my skin
Inhaling the same air I am aware and while buffled by your deeds, I feel the shadows and the needs
Left behind, blood dripping from your unhealed wounds
From the unlived dreams and unfulfilled desires I decide to break through this pattern
Being truly myself - it’s save enough now
The stream of blood may flood me fully
No longer afraid of drowning In the depth of pain
Totally willing to open to the void and it’s hidden gain
And I detach myself, giving you back what’s never been mine
Handing it back through the grounds of time
Without pulling apart roots and stem
Forever I am breathing you in
how I nourish my garden, how i water my soil, which seeds I am planting
Shall be mine to be decided
Freely while In length of my lineage
as your wrinkled hands are reaching into presence, like branches
Gifting me your voices, which are anchored into the soil of centuries
The storms will come for this time to be transformed
For stumbling and shaking and new orders for our branches to dance with change
inside the stem of our tree I shall find sanctuary
in my ears, a rushing
A river of tears crying for the unspoken truth, crying for the unheard wisdom,
crying for the loves not allowed to be lived,
the forbidden desires,
around your magic they built a wall, out of stones of law,
made to beware your unfolding, the men that were holding
You small, Being afraid of your power,
That lies in the seed of your wombs,
which is striving
Gifting its fruits to the presence
Now grandmothers and great grandmothers shall be our time,
With all your hearts striving together in mine
I am breaking free from the patterns,
one fist striving towards the sky
Raised by the power of your arms
We are singing the songs of allour mothers, who were not given a voice
Our roots planting me into the soil of these times
We are dancing
I want your tears to transform into laughing
Your bitterness into softness
The rivers of blood not meandering into presence cause It’s source dried out
After we welcomed its waters
Listening to your soft whisper -
Your songs shall forever be my lullabye
Until I join you into the sands of time.
